Useful sources of information and support
Many people will be looking to develop and grow their businesses this year. But to maximise your chances of achieving this goal we thought it might be useful to provide a number of valuable sources of information and support.
Business & IP Centre network
Firstly, anyone with a business idea or wanting to develop an existing business can access a range of free specialist support services from the Business & IP Centre network (working in partnership with local libraries) More details from BIPC Liverpool (https://www.liverpool.gov.uk/bipc) and BIPC Greater Manchester (https://bipcgm.org/)
Business Growth Hubs
Secondly, Business Growth Hubs provide a range of support services to help local businesses. There is a network of 38 Growth Hubs led by the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) across England. Details of local hubs can be found via the links below:
Liverpool | https://growthplatform.org/
Manchester | https://www.businessgrowthhub.com/
Cheshire and Warrington | https://cheshireandwarrington.com/growth-and-skills/growth-hub/
Lancashire | https://www.boostbusinesslancashire.co.uk/
Local Universities
Thirdly, the universities across the region are always keen to work with and support the local business community – visit their websites to find out more:
Edge Hill University | www.edgehill.ac.uk
Lancaster University | www.lancs.ac.uk
Liverpool Hope University | www.hope.ac.uk
Liverpool John Moores University | www.ljmu.ac.uk/business/work-with-us
Manchester Metropolitan University | www.mmu.ac.uk/business/
University of Bolton | www.bolton.ac.uk/university-group-business-services/
University of Central Lancashire | www.uclan.ac.uk/business
University of Chester | www1.chester.ac.uk/business-engagement/business-support-services
University of Cumbria | www.cumbria.ac.uk/business/
University of Liverpool | www.liverpool.ac.uk/collaborate/
University of Manchester | www.manchester.ac.uk/business/
University of Salford | www.salford.ac.uk/working-with-business
Business Fairs
Finally, here is a simple calendar for you to download. This includes details of our Business Fairs in 2023. Whether you’re looking to promote your products and services, or attend some great workshops you might want to put these dates in your diary:
Liverpool Business Fair – Tuesday 28th March, 10.30am-3pm, Liverpool FC | www.liverpoolbizfair.co.uk
Greater Manchester Business Fair – Thursday 6th July, 10.30am-3pm, AJ Bell Stadium | www.manchesterbizfair.co.uk
Wirral & Chester Business Fair – Wednesday 20th September, 10.30am-3pm, New Brighton Floral Pavilion | www.wirralbizfair.co.uk
Halton & Warrington Business Fair – Thursday 9th November, 10.30am-3pm, DCBL Stadium | www.haltonbizfair.co.uk
Visit our forthcoming events page